Friday, January 8, 2010

What's a good foundation for a teenager with acne prone skin?

I have occasional breakouts and always have a few blemishes, and want to et a good foundtation that covers them all but doesn%26#039;t look fake or caked on, also that isn%26#039;t going to break my bank account...|||The best foundation for acne is Kanebo



It%26#039;s very good product



I tried many product Dior,Guerlan,Mac,YSL,Clinique,...etc



but nothing like kanebo

First it hide any mistakes in your face

2nd : it contain SPF15 which keep your face from the dangerous of sun light

3rd: I don%26#039;t think that it is expensive I think it%26#039;s price in the hand

it%26#039;s 105 QR which 30 $ (US Dollars)

You can visit Kanebo-International site:|||You should look for a foundation that does not have any oil in it. Some that is all natural. Also if you have heard of the stuff called Proactive it works really well.|||i have the same problem ... i use bare minerals and its great|||i don%26#039;t know but i want to|||well i have the same problem and for me covergirl is best..fresh look oil free liquid foundation, pressed powder and a concealer stick for extra coverage..they run about $5 each and they work well..they keep the shine off my day without clogging my pores and breaking me out, while not paying out tons of $$...:)|||its expensive BUT...

its the best

it lasts about a whole year

it covers everything (acne,scars,hickeys,birthmarks,redness,e鈥?br>

it looks absolutely natural

Bare Essentials (Bare Minerals)

some people dont like it because they use too much and it looks caked on. when it is put on the brush there looks like there is nothing there but there is- that is the right amount.

the starter kit comes with your shade, a darker shade (for those summer tans) a bronzer, a mineral veil, a recovery cream, and 3 brushes. i swear it lasts a year. and it is about $90.|||Try Cargo foundation which is oil free and theres also a concealer which you put over blemises first to cover them then put the foundation on. It really covers up my acne as i used to be very self concious of it.|||Anything with a slight yellow tint to it will cover your blemishes and fade into your skin tone naturally|||Try out the new SkinClearing, oil-free, Neutrogena makeup. It covers really well, doesn%26#039;t look caked or fake, and actually helps to clear up acne! I use it and it rocks! Oh, and the best looks totally natural! Good luck!|||Don%26#039;t use Covergirl (like somebody suggested), Maybelline, etc.... honestly, those make me break out. Look for ones that say they%26#039;re dermatologist recommended, oil-free, and treat skin prone to acne. Almay (what I use) and O%26#039;real are both very promising. And you can definitely not go wrong with Nuetrogena. All of these you can get at a local department or drug store for about $12-$15.|||try mineral foundation at their foundation is only 9.95 and its excellent for your skin

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