Monday, April 26, 2010

What is the best lotion for sensitive acne prone skin?

proactive :)|||There%26#039;s something called Face Doctor. It%26#039;s all natural and has herbs in it and healthy vitamins that help make your face look natural and rosy, and get rid of those yucky red bumps (trust me, my face is prone to acne too)

There%26#039;s a soap and a cream, you can use just the cream, but they work best when used together.

The one ingredient that helps the most is sea buck thorn oil. so if you don%26#039;t want to try Face Doctor. Look for a cream or soap that has sea buck thorn in it.

You can get Face Doctor at Shoppers or Pharma Plus.

However, if you don%26#039;t want to go with the natural ingredients, you can look for a product that says salicylic acid on it. Most neutrogena products have it in them. It helps get ride of pimples and acne before they even start.

Hope this helps:)|||Heya!

I would suggest something with Alpha Hydroxy acids or Glycolic Acid. They are found in fruits and sugar cane, and they help speed up the exfoliation process!

If you have acne, chances are you aren%26#039;t exfoliating enough and your skin could use it ;D

I use Kiss My Face 8% AHA Cream (about 8 bucks) for the face and neck, and I%26#039;m happy with it!! It also smells great!

If you want to take it a step further, mix a bit of benzoyl peroxide (I use Oxy 10%) in with the lotion and apply it after you get out of the shower. It%26#039;s really helped my skin!!

Do NOT NOT NOT use anything with mineral oil!! It will make you break out even more... I%26#039;ve learned that the hard way! Also, lotions with shea and cocoa butter are great, but AHA and Glycolic are the best to me.


~ Amanda ~

By the way... Proactiv is CRAP! And expensive crap at that!|||Acne is a bundle of skin rashes formed over skin due to the action of hormones on the sebaceous glands. You can get rid of these acne from any of the natural acne remedies listed on the below site. Check it out for yourself as it worked for all that i personally know. The site address is

|||Water is natures secret for dewy-fresh skin!

I know it is hard to do but try to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day and eat fluid rich fruits and vegetables. Water will flush any impurities from your body.

Don%26#039;t smoke or drink alcohol this will make things worse.

Eggs. Smooth on a film of vitamin E (from a pierced capsule), wait 30 minutes, then apply a coating of whisked egg white.

Pears have a disinfectant, drawing action when peeled,cored,mashed, and used as a 10 minute facial pack.

Black heads:- EPSOM SALT AND IODINE: Bring 1/2 cup water to a boil, stir in 1 teaspoon of epsom salt and 3 drops of iodine. Dip strips of absrobant cotton in the slightly cooled solution, place them over infested areas and cover with a dry washcloth to retain the heat. Repeat two or three times, reheating the liquid if necessary. After popping out the blackheads go over your face with clean face cloth.

Good luck||| I would try clean%26amp;clear dual action moisturizer, works well.

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