Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is you're favorite cleanser for acne prone skin?

i don%26#039;t care about price.

just tell me what your favorite is.. : )|||cetaphil!

honestly the best choice i%26#039;ve ever made when it comes to skin care.

it cleans your face %26amp; takes off makeup. and it doesn%26#039;t dry out your face.

i highly recommend their products.鈥?/a>|||Here%26#039;s what I do 2 keep my skin clean and acne free:

Wash your face with dove soap

Then, use Clean %26amp; Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent

Finally pot lotion on your face to keep it from getting dry

That%26#039;s how you get and keep beautiful skin

Good Luck!!!!!|||If you%26#039;ve super oily skin, try Peter Thomas Roth salicylic acid wash 2%. it helps dry %26amp; clear acne fast. But be sure to use a non-greasy moisturiser at least once a day as well.

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