Monday, April 26, 2010

Why is iodine and milk bad for acne prone skin?

?|||It%26#039;s the iodine that is used to clean the cow%26#039;s udders and the milking machinery-- traces of it get into the milk. Therefore, drinking lots of milk ups a persons iodine intake and causes them to break out. Some people are more sensitive to it than others, almost like an allergy.

I used to drink glasses upon glasses of milk every day and had horrible skin. It wasn%26#039;t until my mom read an article in Prevention magazine that featured this odd story that I had ever heard of such a thing. Stopped drinking milk, my skin cleared up within a week. Now I limit myself to only one glass a week as a treat and my skin has been clean and clear as a result ever since.|||Aloe Vera, this common home plant, is an indispensable acne and oily skin remedy. You can cut its meaty leaf and apply the thick gel-juice directly on the acne or freeze it with water to make refreshing ice cubes. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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