Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is there a good moisturizer for dry acne prone skin ?

Anytime my face gets wet it gets dry and itchy. I put lotion on but it just leaves my skin oily looking and makes me break out. also i have very sensitive skin, so is there any light moisturizers for acne prone skin, that don%26#039;t contain fragrance ?|||yes! Clinque..Dramaticly diffrent mosturizer..You can get it online for about 10$ for a small bottle..IT has no fragrace at all ..Its the best yet!! PROmise*good luck..it worked for me =)|||I use the Oil of Olay moisurizer that has the SPF in it.

I have oily skin %26amp; it doesn%26#039;t make me break out.

I think you may need to switch cleansers though, if you have oily skin %26amp; it starts feeling dry %26amp; itchy you may be using the wrong cleanser (stripping too much out of your skin). If you strip your skin too much of the oils it needs, then it becomes a crazy terrible cycle where then your skin will produce too much oil (trying to make up for having too much stripped out) then you think your skin is oily, wash with your face wash, too much oil stripped out,.... you see where this goes.

You said you have sensitive skin, you might want to try something more gentle like Cetaphil. If you are using the correct cleanser your skin will feel soft %26amp; smooth after you cleanse. It will not feel tight %26amp;/or dry afterwards (or like you NEED to put moisturizer on).

Good luck! I did this crazy skin dance for years before I got it figured out (%26amp; then only with the help of my sister who%26#039;s an aesthetician)

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